As a wideband receiver the AR-3000A fits my needs perfectly. For LW it receives aeronautical beacons as far away as Quebec and New Brunswick, Canada. NAVTEX transmissions on 518 KHz are easily decoded using a SignaLinkUSB and YAND software.
This page lists links, related pages and software support for the AOR AR3000-series desktop receiver. The technical specifications for the AR3000A canbe viewed here (copied from Universal Radio).
Aor Ar3000a Control Software
This handy cable allows control of your AOR AR-3000 or AR-3000A receiver by your computer.For example, you can use remote control software, edit and backup your memory channels.One end of the cable has a DB25 male plug which connects to the REMOTE socket on the radio. The other end has a USB plug which connects to the PC's USB port. The cable contains a USB to serial converter, so the radio appears as a COM port on the PC. Length approx 1.7m/5ft 6ins (if required, you can add a USB extension cable up to 5m long).
Please note that a CAT cable is not an audio interface for datamodes.Please check the availability of suitable software for your model of radio and that the software supports USB.For information and advice on relevant software, there is an AR-3000 Yahoo group: and also the RadioReference AR-3000 wiki _Software.
Tuning rates are selectable from ultra-fine 50Hz step for SSB and CWright the way up to 999.95kHz for the TV and VHF broadcast band, x 10 increaseand x5 decrease tuning rate buttons have been provided on the front panelto increase versatility .and operational pleasure. A free running rotarytuning control provides the best possible method of user interface especiallywhen listening in the SSB modes.
An RS232 port is provided enabling full remote control Via most computers,control facilities include: Frequencies, Receiver mode, Frequency steps,Writing to/from memory, Signal strength, RF attenuator, Memory bank changeoveretc. A rear panel switch changes control between the keypad and RS232 port.
The AR3000 and AR3000A via the external RS232 connection on the rearof the radio can be controlled externally via a Computer. There are severalSoftware packages that support both the AR3000 and AR3000A. AOR produceSearchlight for Windows whilst two alternative packages are ScanCat Pro& Scan*Star Commercial. For further informationclick here.
If you would like to learn more about AOR files and the software that opens them, please see the additional detailed information below. Also, you can learn how to do some basic AOR file troubleshooting if you are having trouble opening these files.
It is possible that your version of Searchlight isn't able to open your Radio Scanner Frequency Listing File file due to incompatibility. If you do not have the proper version Searchlight (or any of the other programs listed above), you may need to try downloading a different version of it, or one of the other software applications listed above. Most of the time your Radio Scanner Frequency Listing File file was created by a newer Searchlight than what you have installed.
particularly in the FM mode, tends to be mostobjectionable. Note that in order for theAR9ooUK to scan or search, it is essential touse the squelch control. The best position forthis control is when the noise is just, but only just, . muted, otherwise sensitivity suffersslightly.
Note: although the custom software has beencarefully tested against viruses ( by a reliable antivirus software and arecently updated virus data base), no guarantee can be offered while travelingon the web.
Note: the customsoftware do not match with previous AR3000 receiver model, due to serialcommunication protocol relevant differences: I am actually working on and assoon as possible I will present on web the custom software enhancedversion.
Mis programas de control del Aor AR-3000A, han dejado de funcionar en cuanto he pasado a Windows 10. Conocéis algún programa para controlar este receptor, que funcione en Windows 10?Ojo! no me valen los que cuestan la mitad de mi pensión. Saludos cordiales.
Junktion direct on RC-SWL or NautiCom switchbox - (this replaced CI-V Iinterface CT-17). HAM: If you use a original ICOM-CI-V Interface CT-17 - its better to use theIC-SWL Switchbox.Junctions RC-SWL or NautiCom to the icom-radio rear panel remote jack:Bonito-switchbox................................ICOM-remote jackPin-5 ............... GND ......................... jack-plug-shank Pin-6 ......... Receiver controling ...-....... jack-plug-head
If you encounter issues controlling your radio, please file a bug report toHamlib developers or alternatively to Web Radio Controldevelopers by sending an email bug report to support (at)
Of course you still require some form of data decoder such as the AOR WX2000 decoder/printer (no longer available as new) or a computer hardware / software package. For VHF reception a crossed dipole is quite adequate but a dish or yagi is required for UHF along with a LNA (low noise amplifier).
This custom modification enables the AR3000A to provide better compatibility with a range of off the shelf tape recorders. The receiver uses a pair of Darlington transistors for tape motor On/Off control. While this is suitable for many machines, some require independent relay contacts. 2ff7e9595c